केंद्रीय नारकोटिक्स ब्यूरो
अफीम की खेती: पिछले वर्षों के आंकड़े
Code Details
(A) De-licensinng Coder
SI. No. | Code | Reason for de-licensinng Status/ class of opium | |
1. | 01 | De-licensed due to NDPS cases | |
2. | 02 | De-licensed due to Inferior | |
3. | 03 | De-licensed due to Excess Cultivation | |
4. | 04 | De-licensed due to Low yield | |
5. | 05 | De-licensed due to Low Consistency | |
6. | 06 | De-licensed due to Violation of departmental instruction | |
7. | 07 | De-licensed due to Two/Three years continuous instruction | |
8. | 08 | De-licensed due to Voluntarily refusal OR/ and Absent cases | |
9. | 09 | De-licensed due to Death cases | |
10. | 10 | De-licensed due to Non adjusted in neighboring villages | |
11. | 11 | De-licensed due to Any other reason |
(B) Coder showing status of Opium/ Cultivation
12. | G | Good Opium | |
13. | I | Inferior Opium | |
14. | F | Fully Uprooted | |
15. | N | Not Sown |